CIRSx Statements

1. CIRSx Copyright Declaration

© 2024, CIRSx. All rights reserved.

This material is the exclusive property of CIRSx. The content, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and information contained within these materials are protected under copyright laws. Unauthorized use, including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, display or transmission of any content on this material is strictly prohibited, unless authorized in writing by CIRSx. CIRSx reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.

2. CIRSx Fair Use Statement

The materials provided in this course are for the exclusive use of registered participants only. Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, display, or use of these materials, whether in part or in whole, for educational or commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of CIRSx. This prohibition applies to all formats, both digital and physical, and includes any adaptation or modification of the materials. Violation of these terms may result in legal action and the termination of access to course materials.

3. CIRSx Intellectual Property Rights Statement

CIRSx Intellectual Property Rights Declaration

CIRSx hereby declares exclusive ownership and intellectual property rights over all course materials, including but not limited to, texts, graphics, curriculum, multimedia content, presentations, and any associated materials, in perpetuity. This encompasses all forms of media, formats, and future adaptations or derivations thereof. No entity or individual, except for CIRSx, may claim ownership, rights, use, or distribution privileges to these materials without explicit, written authorization from CIRSx. These rights are protected under international copyright and intellectual property laws and violations may be subject to legal enforcement.

4. CIRSx Statement on AI Usage and Course Materials

CIRSx strictly prohibits the use of artificial intelligence (AI) models to access, analyze, reproduce, or otherwise interact with any CIRSx-owned course materials. This prohibition extends to all forms of AI-driven data scraping, analysis, or content generation tools.

Furthermore, CIRSx does not permit AI-generated content to be incorporated into its course materials. All content within CIRSx's courses is carefully curated and created and reviewed by subject matter experts in the fields related to  Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). This ensures that the information is not only accurate and up-to-date but also protected under copyright laws. Utilizing AI-generated content would compromise both the integrity and the copyright status of our materials.

Violations of these terms may result in legal action and the revocation of access to CIRSx materials and courses.

We prioritize the protection of our intellectual property to maintain the high standard of education and service we provide to those affected by CIRS.